University Events reflects the energy and passion of the people that personify Washington State University. The University Events team strives to create a lasting and positive impact with a distinct standard of quality. We do so by recognizing and celebrating the achievements of excellence of the Washington State University community.
The WSU Pullman All Campus Picnic and Resource Fair features a free barbecue lunch to celebrate the new school year! The event also features music, a community fair with student organizations, WSU departments, local businesses, and more.
Conducted in both the Fall and Spring as the official celebration of your graduation. Share the excitement and importance of your academic accomplishments with peers, family and friends.
This is the official beginning of a student’s WSU academic career. Faculty and staff will welcome you, introduce you to academic leaders, and inspire you as you begin your academic journey.
The Expo gives you opportunity to engage with departments and local vendors who offer health, security and safety resources. Attend the Awards ceremony to honor those who help keep the University safe and secure.